
Light in the Dark

Friendship is the candle that lights up your heart whenever it is dark outside.

This is the message I sent to two friends on the day of my daughter’s cremation. “My daughter” – I like saying that. These two friends have been my light in the dark. They’ve listened to me, they’ve sent me boxes of comforting gifts, they encouraged me to write this very blog! R and K, the world needs more people like you two, it really does.

Today was Summer’s funeral. It was tough, but it was a nice service.

But then we got home, at a total loss for what to do. What are you supposed to do when you’ve just cremated your child? Again. There was only one thing I could think of: draw the curtains, shut out the world and crawl into bed.

Changing back into my pyjamas, I needed socks and remembered that I had a fluffy new pair waiting in my box of comfort. Pulling them on, I smiled: wow, my friends are great.

Waking up hours later, I still didn’t want to get out of bed. So I started reading “Wonder”. I love that book and there’s a lovely little girl called Summer in there, so I read her chapters. I’m glad my friend suggested this book: wow, my friends are great.

Time passes in a blur, but the day is so long. Definitely need a treat. Mum’s got my favourite Indian food to me. And then I spy my “egg on toast” – the Hotel Chocolat version. I smile: wow, my friends are great.

And now it’s the evening. And finally dark. This day is nearly over. I think I’ll light a candle for Summer tonight, we haven’t done that for her yet. So here I am lighting the one from my box of comfort, once again thinking: wow, my friends are great.

R and K, thanks for helping me get through today.



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